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Auditions for Matilda JR

We are thrilled about this awesome opportunity for the kids of Marshall to explore theater locally, and our next show is sure to be amazing! Come join us! You will have a great time working together, learning about theater, and making friends and memories that last a lifetime. 

The Plot

Matilda, a little girl with astonishing wit, intelligence and psychokinetic powers, lives with cruel parents who find her to be a nuisance, a lousy little worm, and a bore. When Matilda enters her first term at school, she captures the attention of Miss Honey, a kind teacher, and the two form a wonderful friendship. Unfortunately, the school is ruled by a tempestuous and mean headmistress named Miss Trunchbull, who hates children and delivers cruel and unjust punishments to all her charges. Matilda is determined to change her story, but will her cleverness and courage be enough to withstand the reign of Miss Trunchbull? 



Matilda JR cast members should be kids between 8 and 18 years old. Most roles require singing and dancing, although there are some non-singing and non-dancing roles. ​Whether it will be fun for them or not will depend on how much work they are willing to put into it. If you have more than 3 schedule conflicts, please contact us before auditioning to discuss whether your child will have enough rehearsals to learn their parts. 

Parent Meeting and Parent Committees

A parent meeting of cast members will be held on an announced date. Please have at least one parent/guardian attend the meeting. Every production requires much preparation, so all parents are encouraged to sign up for an area in which they can assist. This is a community theater and its success relies on volunteer involvement of parents, so we need you to help your kids succeed!

Please read all the information, and follow directions for successful auditioning! 

Audition Preparation:

  1. Prepare a script excerpt. You don’t have to have it memorized, but you need to know it well. You can choose a role you want to read from one of the provided excerpts. We will also try out other parts with other kids involved. The more roles you'll read for, the higher change you'll have at a good part.

  2. Learn one of the songs provided when you click here. We will be listening to about the first minute of the song, not the whole song. These are the songs that will showcase your singing abilities. Remember, we don't only listen for a good sound, but we are looking at the stage presence. Act out your song!

  3. If you want a dancing part, we will be asking to do a few simple moves so we can see your dancing skills! Want to be prepared? Click here for a video with the choreography we'll be doing during the auditions. 


If you are unable attend the auditions and would like to do a video recording for auditions, contact Elena Sleazina ASAP at (903)742-2127.

Steps for the Audition Process:

  • Auditions will be held on two days: Friday Dec 8th 5-8pm and Saturday Dec 9th 2-5pm at Marshall Fine Arts Academy (401 S Washington Ave, Marshall, TX).

  • Callbacks will be on Monday Dec 11th 6-8pm at Marshall Fine Arts Academy.

  • There are multiple time slots to choose from, so pick the one that works for you. 

  • Sign up for one audition time slot through SignUp Genius - click here! Can't come? Let us know, and we'll figure something out together. All the slots are filled? Let us know and we'll add slots just so you can join!

  • Compare your calendar with the rehearsal and performance schedule. List any sure or potential conflicts on your audition application. 

  • Kids will be auditioning alone for the singing part, and then together with other kids reading excerpts from the script. The parents are welcome to wait in the foyer or drop them off and pick them up in an hour.

  • If you don't have any theater experience, and don't know what to prepare for the auditions, just come as you are, and we'll read from the script together. However, you have a much better chance of being cast for a role if you come prepared, so read the “Audition Preparation” section carefully. 

Audition Process:

  1. Complete all the paperwork and have your picture taken by one of our volunteers.

  2. Wait quietly in the foyer until your name is called. This is a good time to practice and prepare. 

  3. When you hear your name, enter the audition room.

  4. Give your application to the audition panel and introduce yourself - give your full name and age.

  5. Take a breath, plant your feet, and sing your prepared song.

  6. Thank the audition panel for their time and return to the foyer to wait for your script reading audition.

  7. Return to the audition room and read from the script with others.

  8. You did it! Now you wait for the cast announcement and then rehearsals begin!


  1. Rehearsals will be held on

  2. Mondays from 5:30pm to 7:30pm and

  3. Fridays from 4:30pm to 6:00pm. There will be rehearsals where we don’t need everyone when working on different scenes, but we will let you know about them ahead of time. The week of the production we will have rehearsal every day (Monday – Thursday) leading up to the show dates (Friday & Saturday). Parents! Make sure your kids come to rehearsals prepared, well fed, and dressed appropriately and comfortably (tennis shoes or closed-toed shoes; no heels or sandals).

Work at home:

All cast members are required to work on their lines, songs and dances at home. We will provide all the materials needed, but parents are required to help their children work on their parts and come to the rehearsals prepared. Songs and lines need to be memorized by the due date on the calendar.


Some parts of the costumes will be provided for all cast members, however, there will be some items that will need to be supplied by the students such as shoes, accessories, undergarments, stage make-up items, etc. 


There is a $75.00 participation fee for each student to help cover the costs of the production.

Parent Involvement:

A parent of cast members meeting will be held on the date in the calendar. Please have at least one parent/guardian attend the meeting. Every production requires much preparation, so all parents are required to sign up for an area in which they can assist. This is a community theater and its success relies on volunteer involvement of the community and the parents. 

As a non profit, we raise donations for our productions. To keep the cast fees low, every parent is required to find sponsors. If for some reasons the parents are not willing to look for sponsors, they should find alternative ways to contribute through their own donations or through extensive volunteer work. Your effort matters!

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